Tuesday, November 17, 2015

When it rains it pours.

We still have standing water, there is another flood coming today and my grandpa died this morning. I don't have much us to say other then my plate is full, I'm trying my best to keep it together. I can't handle anything else.


  1. Hi -- I saw your comment on the Cup of Jo blog and just wanted to tell you directly that I'm really sorry for the tough time you're having. I hope you can find some comfort soon.

    1. Heather, thank you so much for your kind words. It's been a rough week to say the least. We'll make it through to the other side. The weather seems to be cooperating, hopefully when I get back from the funeral most of the water will be gone and the kids can get outside.

    2. Glad to hear the weather is getting better. Good luck with everything.
